OSH South India & SAFE South India 2023: Presenting a 360-degree view of the Occupational Safety & Health and Electronic Security & Fire Safety arena

OSH South India & SAFE South India 2023: Presenting a 360-degree view of the Occupational Safety & Health and Electronic Security & Fire Safety arena

The much-awaited 8th edition of Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) South India and the 7th iteration of SAFE South India 2023 at the prestigious Chennai Trade Centre. Organised by Informa Markets in India, these expos presented a comprehensive 360-degree view of the occupational health & safety and electronic security & fire safety industries.

The inauguration of the OSH South India expo had the presence of esteemed dignitaries like Thiru. Murali T.R., Vice-President, Tamil Nadu Safety Professionals Welfare Association, Dr Ramesh V.M., Honorary Secretary, National Safety Council-Kerala Chapter, Shri Virendra G. Jauhari, Hony Secretary, Safety Appliances Manufacturers Association, Thiru. S.S. Raju, GM – Ops-ASM, Airports Authority of India, Chennai Airport, Prof. Dr R. Ramesh Kumar, PhD, Head of Dept, Tamil Nadu Institute of Labour Studies & Executive Member, Central Board for Workers’ Education, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, Shri C. Jayakumar, Jt. Director, DISH Tamil Nadu, Mr Pankaj Jain, Sr. Group Director & Digital Head, Informa Markets in India and Mr Prashant Jain, Sr. Project Director, Informa Markets in India.

The launch of the SAFE South India expo witnessed the presence of august dignitaries such as Mr John Paul Manickam, Chair, OSAC Chennai Chapter; Thiru. Chozha Naachiar Rajasekar, President, The Tamil Chamber of Commerce; Thiru. Mukesh Khubchandani, President, All India Electronics Association (South Zone); Thiru. Samay Singh, IPS, DCP-Traffic, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Thiru. R. Nanda Kumar, President, Electronic Security Association of India; Mr Pankaj Jain, Sr. Group Director & Digital Head, Informa Markets in India and Mr Sanjeev Rao, Project Director, Informa Markets in India.

At the inaugural ceremony of OSH South India, Thiru. S.S. Raju, GM – Ops-ASM, Airports Authority of India, Chennai Airport said, "Our utmost priority lies in safeguarding approximately 58,000 passengers and more than 400 aircraft movements on a daily basis. Implementing OHSAS(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) is crucial, demanding strong leadership commitment. By prioritizing employee well-being, we prevent accidents, boost morale, and retain valuable talent. Regular risk assessments and employee engagement help maintain workplace safety. Training and education, particularly for newcomers, ensure understanding of roles and hazards. Implementing OHSAS fulfils moral obligations and enhances productivity and reputation. Participating in events like OSH South India provides valuable resources, networking, and knowledge sharing. I extend my gratitude to Informa Markets in India for facilitating this platform. Together, let's strive for safer workplaces, shaping a promising future."

Shri Virendra G. Jauhari, Hony Secretary, Safety Appliances Manufacturers Association, (SAMA) expressed, "Our primary objective is to elevate safety awareness and provide guidance to end users on the effective utilization of safety appliances, services, technology, and equipment. SAMA's mission extends beyond workplace safety; we aspire to be a driving force in shaping the industry. By actively engaging in events and campaigns like OSH South India, we foster safety consciousness across diverse industries, advocating for a culture that prioritises protection and well-being. Our overarching goal is to establish a unified voice that addresses the shared challenges encountered by safety facilities."

“We have the power to improve our work environment through engineering and administrative measures. Our government is actively enhancing safety practices and raising awareness among employees and employers. We conduct safety programs and collaborate with organisations like the National Safety Council to reduce accidents and prioritise human life. Encouraging investments in risk prevention, we strive to make workplaces safe. OSH South India offers an opportunity to learn from innovative products and contribute to the betterment of our organisations. Together, let us build a safer future, valuing the safety and well-being of every individual,” said Shri C. Jayakumar, Jt. Director, The Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health (DISH) Tamil Nadu